Here's the first fun-fact edition. Enjoy!
-In New York, the penalty for jumping off a building is death.
-The 57 on Heinz ketchup bottles represents the fifty-seven varieties of pickles the company once had.
-Isaac Asimov is the only author to have a book in every Dewey Decimal system category.
-Michael J. Fox's middle name is really Andrew.
-Your'e more likely to die on the ride to get a lottery ticket then actually winning the lottery.
-No word in the English language rhymes with month, purple,silver, and of course, orange.
-Japan has square watermelons.
-"Dreamt" is the only word in the English language that ends in the letters "mt".
That's it for the first fun fact blogger, hope you enjoyed.
Stay Classy,
Deleteah. Thanks .
Stay classy.