It's not that hard! Just look up and follow the giant point in the sky! It's only the second-biggest building in NYC!
But anyway, the open house went okay. The only problem was that there were a VERY big amount of fellow eight-graders there,and the hallways are relatively narrow. But, besides for the body heat, and the waiting behind the ridiculously slow-walking tourist hicks from Indiana wearing I Heart NY
t-shirts, blocking every single passageway around them. (No offense to any NYC tourists, but come on, walk a little faster).
Stay Classy,
PS- I'm going to start word of the post for every post that I throw on CCR.
Word of the Post-
Wombat- any of several stocky, burrowing, herbivorous marsupials of the family Vombatidae , of Australia, about the size of a badger.
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